Brenner, N. and Schmid, C. (2021) ‘Planetary Urbanization’
Brenner, N. and Schmid, C. (2015) ‘Towards a new epistemology of the urban?’
Arboleda, M. (2016) ‘In the Nature of the Non-City: Expanded Infrastructural Networks and the Political Ecology of Planetary Urbanisation’
Group A - The Planetary City
Group B - The Neoliberal City
David Harvey - The Urban Roots of the Capitalist Crisis
Sasskia Sassen - Who owns the city?
Jeremey Gilbert - 'Neoliberalism' and 'Capitalism' what's the difference?
Group D - The Right to the City
Lefebvre - Writings on Cities, The Right to the City
Purcell - the right to the city: the struggle for democracy
Harvey - Rebel Cities : The Right to the City
Group E - The Common City
David Bollier - Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm
Stavrides and DeAngelis - On the commons
Elinor Ostrom - Reflections on commons
Group C - Gentrification and Regeneration and the City
Slater and Iles - No room to Move - Art and the regenerate city
Gavin Mueller - Liberalism and Gentrification
Sam Wetherell - Richard Florida is sorry
Tom Slater - Gentrification of the City
Group F - Ecology and the City
Blaine Brownell - Material Ecologies in Architecture
Felix Guattari - The Three Ecologies
Donna Harraway - Staying with the Trouble
Group I - The Architect and the City
Schneider and Till - Spatial Agency
Patrick Schumacher - The Agency of Architecture
Isabelle Doucet and Kenny Cupers - Agency in Architecture: Rethinking Criticality in Theory and Practice
Group G - Gender and the City
Daphne Spain - Gendered Spaces and Women's Status
Doina Petrescu - Altering Practices
Jane Rendell - Only resist: a feminist approach to critical spatial practice
Leslie Kern - 'Upward thrusting buildings ejaculating into the sky' do cities have to be so sexist?

Group H - Race/Class and the City
Mabel O. Wilson - Changing the subject: Race and public space
Lesley Lokko - A Minor Majority
Suzzanne Hall - Migrant margins: the street life of